Summer Reading Challenge

Come join CNMS Advising in our 2024 CNMS Summer Reading Challenge! We’ve asked your professors and advisors for their top recommendations in fiction and nonfiction, plus some self-help books to keep your learning skills fresh. The best part? The book recommendations are all directly related to your interests, major, and careers. Some of them may even give you insight into your upcoming classes this Fall!


Why a summer reading challenge? It’s essential that you keep up your reading skills during the summer because before you know it – you will be thrown right back into your textbooks and other reading-heavy assignments. Don’t let the summer deteriorate your hard-earned skills!


So what does this mean? Read ANYTHING but do it regularly! It’s like you are exercising your reading muscles and keeping them toned for the fall! Even 20-30 minutes of reading a day for at least 4-5 days of the week will help. Fiction, non-fiction, magazines, graphic novels, journals, you name it – we want to know about it!


Even better? UMBC’s Alumni office is also kicking off a university-wide reading program this summer – RETRIEVERS READ! You can find out more information, request a packet (while supplies last), and get started with your challenge. Everyone who participates gets a starter prize pack PLUS the opportunity to win more goodies the more you read! #freepizza 




CNMS Advising will be promoting one book a week over on our Instagram page PLUS offering tips on how to engage with specific scholarship in your field of interest. Let’s have the best summer yet!


Be sure to follow @cnmsadvising, #CNMSSummerReads2024, and #RetrieversRead on Instagram. Show us what you are reading, where you are reading, favorite quotes, and how you are staying academically fit for the fall!


We are also growing a Goodreads page which already has a ton of great books to get you started and possibly even get some insight into your field. Follow us HERE and send us book recommendations!


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