Please use these frequently asked questions to assist during your course registration process.
Registering for Courses
When can I register for classes?
Each semester the Registrar’s Office assigns registration appointment times based on how many credits students have completed. Your registration appointment is the earliest time you are eligible to register for courses. All appointment times are EST (Eastern Standard Time). You will remain eligible to enroll in courses and make adjustments to your schedule through the end of the add/drop period for the term. Your registration appointment time is viewable on myUMBC and on the Registrar’s website.
Why do I have an Advising Hold on my account?
Undergraduate students must meet with their academic advisor in order to receive registration clearance prior to enrolling in classes for the term.
Registration through Class Search
Registration through Schedule Builder
For many courses, students can place themselves on a waitlist once the course reaches capacity. By placing yourself on the waitlist, you assume responsibility for potentially being enrolled in a class.
How many credits can I waitlist?
Students can waitlist for up to 10 credit hours. Make sure adding yourself to a course waitlist does not push you over the 19.5 credit limit.
How do I know if I am on a waitlist?
- When adding the class during registration, check the box “Waitlist if class is full” and continue the enrollment process. If the class has a waitlist, you will be notified of your position on the waitlist after you have completed registration.
- You cannot add yourself to a waitlist of a course if you are already enrolled in another section of the same course. The registration system recognizes that you are already enrolled in the course. You cannot be doubly enrolled in a course by selecting multiple sections.
How can I get off of the waitlist?
- Students are moved off the waitlist and enrolled into the class by an automated process if space becomes available. Students are enrolled in the class according to their position on the waitlist. Moving off of the waitlist is not guaranteed.
- Students can communicate with the course instructor to express their interest in joining the class and likelihood of available seats to be added off of the waitlist.
- Students will not be enrolled off of a waitlist if the course conflicts with another course they are already enrolled in.
How will I be notified if I am off of the waitlist?
Students will be notified via their email address.
What happens if I do not get off of the waitlist?
- Waitlisting a class does not guarantee a seat in the course.
- Waitlisted classes do not count towards full-time enrollment. You will want to make sure you are enrolled in enough credits (12) to be full-time without waitlisted classes.
- Waitlists are deactivated during the schedule adjustment period. After this happens, students will not automatically be enrolled, but can manually enroll themselves if a seat becomes available.
Multi-Component Courses
What is a multi-component course?
A multi-component course is a course that has multiple required sections. These can include lectures and discussions, seminars, labs, or exam periods. All course components are mandatory and must be open to register for the course.
How do I know what sections to register for?
Often certain lectures will be associated with specific lab, discussion, or seminar times. Read the course information thoroughly to see what sections need to be taken together.
What is a multiple meeting pattern?
A multiple meeting pattern means that different course components may meet at different times and in different rooms. For example, one time period may be reserved for exams. Additional rooms may be reserved for exams to allow sufficient space for testing. If multiple rooms are listed, professors will indicate which location students should report to.

Registration Errors
Closed Course Error Message
The course registration is full. You will need to register for a different section of the course, add yourself to the waitlist, or find an alternative course.
Pre-Requisites Not Met Error Message
You may not have completed the required prerequisite class for the course. Most courses require proof of pre-requisite completion in the case of a course being completed outside of UMBC. If you believe that you have completed the prerequisite, request an override from the course instructor. If you are not sure who to contact, reach out to the course’s academic department.
Reserved Seat Error Message
All of the unreserved seats in a course may be full. If you have recently declared a major or minor, please check that your myUMBC profile has been updated.
Resolving Holds on Student Accounts
Once your advising hold has been resolved, you may still have other holds on your student account. You will want to check your myUMBC Alerts (the bell symbol in the top right hand corner of your myUMBC homepage) to determine what type of hold you have on your account. If the hold is a financial hold, you will want to follow up with Student Business Services. If the hold is related to health services (insurance, immunizations), then you will follow up with Retriever Integrated Health. If the hold is mandatory annual student training through the Office of Equity and Civil Rights (Vector Solutions), you will need to complete the training and can follow up with with any questions.
For further questions about registration, please contact the Registrar’s Office.