Success Workshops in The Learning Collaboratory

Welcome to our Wednesday Workshop page! We have a variety of events planned with our CNMS advisors and lots of awesome guests. Check out our upcoming offerings below and look for our weekly reminders on myUMBC and Instagram.

All of our events during the semester take place in The Learning Collaboratory (UC115) on Wednesdays from 12-1 PM. Check out our myUMBC posts! If you’re not a member, you can find the CNMS Advising myUMBC Group here.

Wednesday, March 5, 12-1 PM: How to Choose a Graduate Program (Panel)

Today we’ll be joined by some UMBC graduates that went on to further their education. They’ll be happy to talk about how they went about choosing their programs and answer any questions you might have!

Wednesday, March 12, 12-1 PM: Luck Has Nothing to Do with It

Ever go into an exam thinking, “gosh, hopefully I’ll be lucky and the professor will only focus on that material I know super well”? We’ll be coming at you with a workshop on how to make sure you’re ready for all of your midterm exams so that you don’t have to rely on luck! From anxiety to practice exams, we’ll help you make a plan to be prepared no matter what.

Wednesday, March 26: Graduation Planning

It’s advising season, and you know what that means…time to make sure your graduation plans are up to date! Lots of folks end up moving things around after a semester or two, so if you join us today, you’ll get the full overview of tools and resources to make a plan that works for you.

Feel free to email to request any further information and stay tuned for dates of future success workshops!