The “Five Things” Series

Whether you are a first-time college student or an experienced transfer student, entering a new institution takes some adjustment. In order to help our students navigate their first year at UMBC, the CNMS Advising staff has developed “The ‘Five Things’ Series” – a month-by-month “to-do” list of things that can help ease your transition to UMBC. We’ve included academic habits that many students don’t develop until they learn “the hard way” how important those habits are. We’ve limited each month’s list to just five items, to keep you from being overwhelmed by all of the new (or different) experiences and responsibilities that you have at UMBC.

We also encourage the families of our students to consult this list, especially if the student is one of the first in his or her family to attend college. Families and friends are as important to a student’s success as the faculty and staff at UMBC, and we view them as our partners in the education process. We hope that this list will help provide you with some ideas about what you should be asking your student (and when to to ask), so that you can have open conversations with your student(s) about their academic progress and social life at UMBC!

To be reminded of these five things every month — and much more support — consider following us on Instagram @cnmsadvising #5things!